
Ivana Kolar

Direktorica, Julius Rose d.o.o.

Director in Julius Rose, deals with consulting and project management in tourism and development of new value. For many years she was director of Terme Tuhelj, where she led business operations and development, including management of large investment projects and transformation of the facility into the largest continental resort 4 * in Croatia offering modern thermal, wellness and congress products and services.Today, she is engaged in the development of Terme Tuhelj as a Management Advisor. She is the organizer of the conference “Croatian Tourism 365?” and actively promotes the importance of continuous development and quality of business, and advocates the development of year-round tourism and tourism on the continent. She actively participates in numerous organizations and associations on development and promotion of tourism and the economy. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, and was awarded in 2011 by CROMA as the “Manager of the Year”.

Ivana Budin Arhanić

Vice-President, Valamar Riviera

As Vice President for Business Development and Corporate Affairs in Valamar Riviera, the largest tourism company in Croatia, she is responsible for acquisitions and business expansion, strategic development through digitalization and innovation, service quality management, socially responsible business, corporate communication, and public and professional relations with institutions.

Ivana graduated in economics from Middlebury College in the USA in 1999. After graduating, she worked for three years as a strategic management consultant in Boston and New York, and then successfully led the expansion of the company Luraon the Serbian market. She completed the two-year MBA in 2007 at Harvard Business School and then joined Valamar Group. She isalso member of the National Competitiveness Council of the Republic of Croatia.

Siniša Topalović

Director& Partner, Horwath HTL Croatia

Director and partner in Horwath HTL Croatia. He has built his international career as a consultant in tourism, hospitality and leisure industry through successfully implemented projects for private and public sector clients. Siniša has been involved in more than 90 projects within the global Horwath HTL network, and is equally experienced in highly competitive destinations as well as those in the making.

Continuously prepares professional articles, columns and reports in the field of tourism that are published in many domestic and foreign publications (Hotels Magazine, Hotel Yearbook, regular reports of Horwath HTL network, Global Hotel Network, Hospitalitynet, Hospitality Inside, Hotel News Now, etc.), and as a keynote speaker or panelist he has participated in numerous high-profile international conferences (IHIF Berlin, UNWTO conferences, ITB Convention, etc.). On behalf of Horwath HTL International, he is in charge of cooperation with the UNWTO.

Jan de Jong

Managing Partner, Webpower Adria

At 22 years of age I left the comfort of my home in the Netherlands with the goal to build a business in Croatia. Without any Croatian roots, no family or friends in Croatia, I drove to Split where I started my contact center business. Nine years later the company I had founded employed some 400 people and provided services to the largest companies in Croatia; and then I sold my shares – which gave me the ultimate reward every entrepreneur is looking for: Freedom! Building a successful business in Croatia is hard, but is it really much harder to succeed in Croatia than someplace else? I like to start businesses in Croatia where I have the first mover advantage. Take a product or service that sells in other markets and be the first to introduce that in Croatia or this region. It will be very difficult in the beginning, because you are not just starting a company – you are starting or re-vamping an industry. But if that industry matures and you were there first, taking a leading position, you have actually brought change to a country in development. I am a believer that positive change to Croatia will not come from politics but will come from its entrepreneurs – and I am a proud member of that exciting community. Being a father of 4 children, through my entrepreneurial endeavors, I made it my mission that our children and the children of Croatia don’t have to move abroad to find happiness and opportunities, but that they can find that right here – in Croatia.

Christopher Hinteregger

Izvršni direktor, PKF tourismexperts

Christopher je turistički stručnjak s više od 15 godina iskustva u području turizma i razvoja destinacija. Studirao je turistički menadžment u Austriji i nakon toga počeo raditi kao savjetnik. Od 2003. realizirao je više od 75 turističkih projekata u 22 zemlje i bio predavač na više od 30 međunarodnih turističkih konferencija.

Christopher je sveučilišni predavač za predmet „Međunarodno savjetovanje – razvoj odredišta“, a 2018. pridružio se PKF-u i sada je direktor PKF tourismexperts, tvrtke koja uglavnom podržava javne uprave na putu profesionalnog razvoja turizma u njihovoj destinaciji.

Damjana Domanovac

Director, PLACE2GO

Direktorica Međunarodnog sajma turizam PLACE2GO i vlasnica istoimenog turističkog magazine svoju je poslovnu karijeru započela u izdavaštvu 1995. Kao vlasnica nekoliko magazine (Vjenčanja, Cvijeće) i Sajma vjenčanja, projekte je uspješno prodala 2008. godine tvrtki Adriamedia Zagreb. Od 2006. godine kreće u novi izdavački projekt, ovoga puta u turizmu te pokreće magazin Putovanja za dvoje koji 2016. godine doživljava rebranding i postaje PLACE2GO. Franšize istoimenog magazina prodane su u više zemalja (Francuskoj, Italiji, Njemačkoj, Srbiji, Sloveniji, BiH). 2012. godine pokreće Međunarodni Sajam turizma PLACE2GO koji je danas najveći sajam turizma u Hrvatskoj.

Vlado Šestan


Vlado Šestan, savjetnik za putovanja i osnivač istoimene grupe na Fejsu te portala Travel Advisor.

Novi projekt je pokretanje web stranice #putujhrvatskom koja povezuje ponuđače u turizmu sa potencijalnim kupcima.

Dijelimo inspiraciju i ideje  putem svoje mreže.

Ivan Bengeri


Blog Idemo putovati, piti i jesti po kojem je danas najpoznatiji stvarao je bez plana da postane bloger, jednostavno je sa strašću bilježio ono što mu se na putovanjima sviđalo.

Danas njegove kanale na društvenim mrežama prati preko 170.000 ljudi.

Iva i Branko

Founders of

Iva i Branko, bračni su par iz Međimurja koji stoje iza web stranice Putoholičari. Putoholičari su jedna od najposjećenijih web stranica na ovom području, na temu putovanja. Na stranici se mogu pronaći putopisi, akcije, vijesti iz svijeta putovanja, a ljudi mogu čak pronaći i suputnika za putovanje. Iva i Branko stranicu su pokrenuli prvotno kao vlastiti blog, a danas je ovo mjesto postalo okupljalište za sve ljubitelje ili ovisnike o putovanjima – web stranicu mjesečno posjeti preko 300.000 ljudi, a na društvenim mrežama (facebook, instagram) prati ih preko 200.000 ljudi. Pokrenuli su i facebook grupu Putoholičarski savjetnik za jeftina i ugodna putovanja gdje 60.000 članova razmjenjuje svoja iskustva s putovanja i svojim savjetima pomažu drugima da što jeftinije i ugodnije putuju. Nedavno su pokrenuli i podcast pod nazivom Putocast u kojem poznati novinar Ribafish ugošćuje znane i neznane putoholičare: ovisnike o putovanjima koji su spremni podijeliti svoje putničke anegdote, dojmove, iskustva i savjete.

Leila Krešić-Jurić

Director, HTI Conference

Direktorica međunarodnog skupa HTI Conference & Expo i europske inicijative koja promiče zdravstveni turizam – European HTI Summit. Fascinirana je turizmom, posvećena izvrsnosti i održivom rastu, a posebno povezivanju unutar struke i mogućnosti utjecaja na turistički sektor. Sudjelovala je u raznim projektima Europske Komisije, a kao direktor Sektora za turizam pri HGK i član Odbora za turizam Hrvatskog Sabora, doprinijela je izradi sektorskih strategija, politika i zakona. Prethodno radno iskustvo uključuje hotelijerstvo, cirkularnu ekonomiju, ljudske resurse i korporativno upravljanje. Ekonomistica s EMBA diplomom Međunarodne poslovne škole Hult (London), govori pet jezika i živi u Zagrebu.

Meri Bura

Director, Mulier

Doktorica medicine i stručnjak u primjeni FX Mayr metodi, homeopat školovan na London School of Classic Homoeopathy, educirani NLP i joga trener, predavač na međunarodnim skupovima i kolumnist. Dr. Bura je autor Mulier metode koja integrira znanstveni i wellness pristup očuvanju zdravlja, s fokusom na zdravlje štitnjače, detoks, gubitak tjelesne težine i burn-out. Članica je Organizacijskog odbora European Society of Lifestyle Medicine (ESLM) koja se bavi prevencijom kroničnih bolesti, nagrađena je od strane Hrvatske liječničke komore, konzultant je Original FX Mayr Centre, Austrija i Spa Clinic, Dubai te promotor zdravstveno-turističke ponude Hrvatske kroz rad u Mulier Holistic Centre, Šibenik.

Sherif Hassan

Director & founder, TripSetcTravel Company

Sherif Hassan je liječnik s međunarodnim iskustvom koji govori više jezika, s obukomizintenzivnemedicinske skrbi u Velikoj Britaniji te poslijediplomskim usavršavanjem iz zaraznih bolesti i tropske medicine u SAD-u. Radio je u zdravstvenim sustavima u Egiptu, Velikoj Britaniji, Irskoj, Austriji i Kuvajtu. Partner je u najvećoj integrativnoj medicinskoj i stomatološkoj klinici na istočnoj obali SAD-a te medicinski direktor u MarylandUrgent Care, poliklinici koja promovira putničku medicinu i korporativno zdravstveno osiguranje. Generalni je direktor i osnivač Tripsetc Travel Company, internetskog je turističkog portala s fokusom na medicinski turizam. Ujedno je konzultant i strastveni obožavatelj IT-a, s ekspertnim znanjem o API integraciji i telemedicini.

Christian Fadi El-Khouri

izvršni partner, MESC International Patient Service

Christian Fadi El-Khouri je izvršni partner i voditelj savjetovanja u MESC International Patient Service, prvom i najstarijem facilitatoru za medicinski turizam u Njemačkoj (osnovan 1983.). Tvrtka sa sjedištem u Wiesbadenu pruža sveobuhvatne savjetodavne usluge klinikama, agencijama za zdravstveni turizam, općinama i regionalnimklasterima širom svijeta na temu strategije, međunarodne akvizicije pacijenata, menadžmenta, marketinga i poslovnog razvoja. Poseban fokus njegovog rada usredotočuje se na usklađenost s propisima, ugovore o facilitiranju i etička pitanja u medicinskom turizmu.

Ingrid Badurina Danielsson

Director, Taste the Mediterranean festival

Director and founder of Taste the Mediterranean, the unique international festival of Mediterranean food, gastronomy, products, cultural heritage and way of life, that promotes Croatia as one of the leading Mediterranean food & wine destinations. From 2017 Director of the Gault&Millau Croatia gastronomic guide, organizer of numerous food and wine festivals in Croatia such as 1001 Delicacies, the Zagreb Wine Gourmet Festival and events like Little school of wine for women and Little school of great chefs, as well as international presentations of Croatian chefs and Croatian food & wine at Chefs World Summit (Monaco), Croatie la voici (France), Food in Sud (France), Salone del gusto (Slow Food – Italy), Vini da terre estreme (Italy), Taste of Moscow, Wine Fiestas (Singapore, Manila, Kuala Lumpur), Croatia Wine Gourmet (Sweden)… From 2005 owner and Director of Laniva ltd, a PR agency that promotes food & wine, gastronomy and tourism. Former journalist (Croatian magazines Start and Globus) and correspondent for the Italian La Stampa.

Dubravka Tomeković Aralica

Project manager, Taste the Mediterranean festival

Project manager for Taste the Mediterranean Festival and for Gault&Millau Croatia gastronomic guide, editor in Yachts Croatia magazine, collaborator at the Adria Luxury Summit. In the last 3 decades she published a large amount of articles in different lifestyle magazines. From 1996 to 2018 editor in chief/director for Gloria, the most popular Croatian magazine and all the Gloria group editions in Croatia.

Marin Rendić

Chef, Bistro Apetit Zagreb

One of the founders of the initiative #chefkuhadoma (chefcooksathome) that in only one month of Corona virus lockdown has posted 50 live cooking videos and gained 80.000 followers. Owner and chef de cuisine at the Bistro Apetit by Marin Rendić, in Zagreb, he has 22 years of culinary experience in restaurants in Croatia and abroad. The prestigious gastronomic guide Gault&Millau Croatia awarded his Bistro Apetit with 3 toques and an excellent score of 16/20 points. In the last 4 years Bistro Apetit is recommended by Michelin.

Chloé i Yvan

Gourmet deli shop “Za pod zub“, Stari Grad on the island of Hvar

Chloé and Yvan are a French couple with a passion for gastronomy, wines, culture and top travel destinations. After several years of work in luxury hotels and Michelin starred restaurants all over the world, they chose Croatia for its rich gastronomy, Dalmatia for its way of life and Stari Grad on the island of Hvar as a perfect place that has it all. Four years ago chef Alexandre joined them, as well as Stacey, their community and marketing manager. Committed to their vision of providing the best products they opened a small gourmet deli shop in Stari Grad. They offer the most unique and excellent products from all over the island of Hvar and Croatia. They look for, support and promote the local passionate food producers, farmers, wine makers, cheese makers dedicated to the top quality production. They started the home cooking service „Hvar chef“ for the tourists staying in the private villas or on the boat. They just want to offer the ultimate gastronomic experience to the most demanding clients.



There is no doubt that tourism is entering the era of "super-smart society 5.0" in which everything is human-centred. Although it is most often identified with the application of digitalization and advanced technological solutions, robotics and artificial intelligence, smart tourism is definitely conditioned by the development of circular economy and sustainability, thus creating a healthy environment for human life and human society.

The organizers of SMART TOURISM 5.0:


  • host their partners, renowned international experts and local leaders
  • bring key trends, global and European experiences, ideas and plans of doing business in the future, and
  • discuss how to prepare for new tourism models after the crisis caused by months of isolation and disruption of all travel.
The first conference on year-round tourism that gathers prominent local and regional tourism experts, and a wide range of tourism professionals.
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The conference always brings fresh ideas, successful experiences and expert discussions of tourism leaders from the region and Europe (Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro) about all-seasons tourism.

The conference updates the development of destinations and communities, creating new products that do not depend only on sun & beach, telling authentic stories, and smart and creative recycling of local specifics into a new quality and experience tailored to modern tourists, which allows to extend the season on the coast and start the development of continental destinations.

Taste the Mediterranean International Festival is a unique festival of Mediterranean food, products and cultural heritage and lifestyles.
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Launched in 2014, after the inclusion of Croatian Mediterranean food on the UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritage, with the aim of promoting Croatia and Dalmatia as the leading Mediterranean food and wine destination and exchange and networking with other Mediterranean countries, the festival is intended for all lovers of good food and tourists travelling out of season, and has been held in Šibenik, Rovinj and Hvar. It is a central annual gathering of chefs and food & wine professionals that brings together world chefs awarded Michelin stars, Gault & Millau toques, 50 World's Best awards and local leading chefs, winemakers and other professionals in gastronomy, oenology, agriculture, sustainable tourism and fisheries. In addition to educational content, it includes culinary master classes by top international and local chefs and a Mediterranean market where small producers offer local products, while local restaurants offer themed dinners prepared jointly by guests and local chefs.

International fair tourism PLACE2GO was created as a logical sequence of the Croatian tourist magazine of the same name and became the largest fair tourism in Croatia.

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PLACE2GO fair is held every year in mid-March in Arena Zagreb. The first edition of the fair was held in 2012, and since then more than 500 exhibitors from 34 countries have participated in the fair. Every year the PLACE2GO fair is visited by more than 15,000 visitors. The fair is conceived as a meeting of tourist supply and demand, but also as an independent tourist product during the pre-season. The first day of the PLACE2GO fair is intended for business visitors who arrange meetings in advance via the fair's mobile application. The other two days are open to all visitors who can enjoy the current offers of exhibitors, but also an interesting program on the main stage in which famous travel writers, travellers, bloggers and influencers take turns. Admission to the fair is free.

HTI is an international platform for the promotion and networking in the health tourism sector that gathers service providers and buyers of health-tourism services.
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HTI promotes destinations, clinics, thermal resorts, wellness hotels, travel agencies, medical facilitators, specialized media, clusters, insurances, consultants and other complementary industry.
In addition to the HTI Conference & Expo, organized in 10 editions in Europe and the Middle East to date, the European HTI Summit brings to the European Parliament public and private sector leaders. HTI publishes the HTI News Magazine, organizes buyers’ study trips and trainings, and provides consulting services. In addition to Zagreb office, HTI operates through a regional office in the UAE and representatives in major foreign markets (Germany, Turkey, Russia, USA, India, China) and as a partner of European umbrella associations that promote health tourism.


Tuesday, 5.5.2020.

Conference Croatian Tourism 365?

Topics: what will tourism look like in upcoming months, what does it mean for Croatia and what are the potentials of domestic tourism, whether the crisis creates an opportunity for year-round tourism and activation of less popular destinations, creative development of new products and local content.

  • Ivana Kolar, Conference Director, Julius Rose
  • Ivana Budin Arhanić, Vice-President, Valamar Riviera
  • Siniša Topalović, Director & Partner, Horwath HTL Croatia
  • Jan de Jong, Managing Partner, Webpower Adria
  • Christopher Hinteregger, Managing Director, PKF tourismexperts (Austria)
International Tourism Fair PLACE2GO

Topics: how to travel after the corona, how to choose destinations, what to look for and what to avoid, will travel become a luxury and what will be the trends, well-known travel writers and influencers talk about these and other current topics related to travel.

  • Damjana Domanovac, Fair Director
  • Vlado Šestan, Founder
  • Ivan Bengeri, Traveller and travel writer,
  • Iva i Branko, Founders of
HTI Health Tourism Industry Conference

Topics: prevention and digitalization to a super-smart society, social distancing and new trends in health tourism, what to offer and how to address the market

  • Leila Krešić-Jurić, Conference Director

  • dr. Meri Bura, Director, Mulier Holistic Center

  • dr. Sherif Hassan, CEO, TripSetc Travel Company / Innovation (USA)

  • Christian Fadi El-Khouri, Managing Partner, MESC International Patient Service (Germany)

Taste the Mediterranean Festival

Topics: how will the restaurant scene change, will fine-dining survive, can food delivery replace traditional catering, and will it be economically viable

  • Ingrid Badurina Danielsson, Festival Director

  • Dubravka Tomeković Aralica, Festival Project Manager

  • Marin Rendić, Chef, Bistro Apetit Zagreb
  • Chloé i Yvan, gourmet deli shop “Za pod zub“, Stari Grad on Hvar

The organizer reserves the right to change and amend the program.


Angiomedic provides public and private healthcare structures with high-tech medical products. In recent years, the goal has been to introduce new, minimally invasive procedures and to provide supportive physicians with the original new procedures using advanced products. One of them is a UV disinfection robot that destroys all microorganisms (bacteria, virus and other microorganisms), it is exemplary in the healthcare system and, increasingly, in the hotel and catering industry.


AfroditaCosmetics is the leading Slovenian beauty house, celebrating 50 years of its foundation this year. It is present in Croatia with more than 700 products for consumer consumption or professional use. The entire range is available, along with many sales channels, in Afrodita Beauty Center & shops in 2 locations: Frankopanska 7 and Vlaška 41, Zagreb, and soon in the Business Center Gallery.

Hoteza is the most complete platform for the total hotel offer, which bases its service on interactive communication solutions, thus providing guests with information, entertainment and direct communication with hotel staff at their fingertips.
Laser Line offers complete IT engineering on the realization of computer-supported information systems, with the application of the latest achievements in the field of computer technology, system software and application software development.
Design and marketing with a breakthrough.

PR agencija konferencije




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